06.12. bis 11.12.2024

Freie Plätze < 10

12th Course Perioperative Management

- Surgical or anesthesiological intensive care training (at least one year of experience on an intensive care unit) - Anesthesiologist or surgeon (close to achieving board specialist certification) - Experience with HIPEC or similar treatment

FachgebietThoraxchirurgie, Viszeralchirurgie
InhaltThe combination of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intrape-ritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) as a treatment for peritoneal metastases is becoming ever more significant for both palliative and curative cancer treatment. This course will discuss: - Basic Information on Peritoneal Metastasis - Staging/Screening/Preparation - Intraoperative Phase - Postoperative Phase - Postoperative Complications - Safety Aspects - Controversial indications - Practical part in the clinical context (Module 2)
Module 1: Wilhelm-Waldeyer-Haus | Camp. Charité Mitte | Philippstraße 12 | 10115 Berlin; Module 2: Camp. Virchow Klinikum | Mittelallee 4
Philippstraße 11
10115 Berlin
Charité ? Universitätsmedizin Berlin Chirurgische Klinik
 Zentrum für bösartige Tumore des Peritoneums
Gebühren700,00 € für BDC-Mitglieder
800,00 € für Nicht-Mitglieder
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